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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY scrub

Hello there!

I don't know if you guys follow Michelle Phan, but if you don't, certainly go check her out, because she's amazing! A couple of weeks ago, I found a recipe to make a scrub yourself, to take care of your skin when it gets cold. It's a scrub with sugar, olive oil and honey. I really liked how she described it and I really wanted to try it. So, this weekend, when I got bored, I looked into to my kitchen closets and made the scrub myself! That night, I tried it and oh my! my skin felt soooo soft! It was a mess to apply it, but it was worth it. If you're not as clumsy as me, it will probably look a lot cleaner in your bathroom after using it! I recomend checking out the recipe, go to your kitchen en scrub your face! Michelle said it works good for any type of skin, and not only on your face, but also on other body parts. Enjoy!

xoxo Eveline

p.s. : It also looks nice in little jar with a cute bow, like the one above to give as a present, to your mom for example!

Friday, November 25, 2011

hydrate your lips!

Hey there!
Sooo, now it's getting colder, all those cold has an influence on our skin and esepcially on the one of our lips. It's extremely important to hydrate them sufficiently, to make sure they don't dry out and get those little cracks we all hate. So what should you do, to prevent this?? To start with, use a mild scrub on your lips to get all the dry skin off. You can do this by mixing some sugar with some vaseline and honey and rubbing this gently over your lips, but it works too when you use a soft toothbrush or wet towel to scrub. When your lips are soft and clean, use a good lipbalm. I really recommend Vitamin Shake from Labello, which is absolutely my favorite brand for lipcare. This one has vitamins E, C and B5 in it, it smells like a smoothie and has a subtle color. Something really important I found in this one, but too in many other good lipbalms, is the SPF-factor. It protects your lips from the sun and even in winter, this is something to take care about. And one other important thing: if you don't have your lipbalm with you and you feel your lips are getting dry, please don't lick at them too much, it will only make it worse!

So, with your lips soft and shiny, go give the best kiss you ever gave!

xoxo Eveline

Monday, November 14, 2011

welcome to beauty school?

Hey everyone!

Today an article about Beauty School on Michelle Phan's website was released. It sounds really promising, because she's going to be posting al lot of articles on this subject in the future. Check it out!

xoxo Eveline

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I was browsing through youtube the other day and I found the channel of Cutepolish and my oh my, what nice nailpolish DIY did I find there! I thought they were all really amazing and soooo cute! My absolute favorite was the one with the newspaperdesign. It looks so easy and the effect is amazing! Other designs I really liked were the Movember Moustache nails ( to raise awareness for prostate cancer ) and the Minnie Mouse design. I definitely wanted to try some out, but unfortunatly I don't have such long nails as her and the designs look rather weird when I have them on my nails. So I'll stay with litlle polkadots on my nails, which I make with my own dotting tool. It looks nicer on my short nails! Go check it out and try them yourself!

xoxo Eveline

Mystic Eyes

Hey you!

Lately I was shopping and I found the new mono eyeshadow colors from Essence. I thought they were all really nice, but one color popped out: nr. 43, Mystic Lemon. It had a nice light color and a sticker on it that said 'holographic' because I was curious about it, I bought one ( it was really cheap so that was no problem ) and tried it at home. The eyeshadow is a little too white for me, so it looks like I had a bad night or something, but when I mix it with my purple eyeshadow it creates a nice mix and the holographic features look pretty! It gives a certain depth to it and the color changes lightly in different light. I use it to go to school, mixed with a pink rosy color and mixed with purple for evening events.

xoxo Eveline

on this site you can find all the colors of eyeshadow and other products of Essence:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

socks socks socks!

Something that's a real must for this fall/winter are warm and cute socks. Whether you wear them to relax at home in a cosy mood or to school in combination with tights on a chilly day, they look cute. You like them but don't know how to wear them? I had the same problem and started to search on the web for tips. I found a combination with a simple short dress or shorts and a long vest on it, and little cute shoes beneath it. I guess this is the cutest way to wear them, I'm definitely going to look for a nice pair on my next shoppingtrip! Anyway, you have to keep it simple, otherwise you'll look overdressed. 

xoxo Eveline

the idea I had in front of me while thinking about overknee socks

Long time no see

Hey there!

I know it's been a long time since I wrote something, but I want to pick up again and start to write more and put more work in my blog. I feel really motivated the last weeks, so I'm starting to organise my life in the way I want it to be. One of the things that help me feel good is happy music! For instance, Beyonce's music! I've listened her new album, '4' and I was sold immediately. It has so much power in it and it doesn't sound like anybody else, it breaths Beyonce! Most of the time I listen to 'Love on top' and 'End of time'. These are definitely my 2 favorite songs on the album. But also 'Countdown' and 'I was here' are really nice! That last one is very touching, it's about what you leave behind when you die, I guess. The quote from this song I found the most touching was 'The hearts I have touched will be the prove I leave'.
So this was my first blogmessage since a long time and I'm planning to write some more today so I can keep up, even when I have school again (I have a week holiday right now (: ) and I'm really busy. I hope it'll work!

xoxo Eveline