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Thursday, April 21, 2011

wreck this journal - UPDATE 1

In this message I show you guys the first pictures of what I did to my WTJ. Ok, I admit it. It isn't really wrecked, but I wanted to throw my creativity in it, so that's what I tried do to. I tried already to wreck it, like throwing it through my garden. Or trough the classroom. Now it's a little wrinkled  ;)
Ok, so the pictures! 

Oh yeah, I bought the Dutch version of WTJ because - apparently - they don't have the English version in our country and I was too lazy to buy one online.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

all you need is...

I found some really cute pictures I HAD to share!

I am wrecking this journal!

Recently I bought a Wreck This Journal myself and I love destroying it! It's funny to see in what condition it was when I bought it, and now, not even a week later. It's a total MESS. I threw with it, I stepped on it,I brutally ripped pages out the book, I putted dirty fingerprints with charcoal in it and I let my friends draw something in it. Long story short: I had a GREAT time doing these instructions and there are many more! Maybe later on there will follow some pictures of my creative destroying ;-)
I even have convinced some friends to buy a WTJ themselfs.
So there's only one thing I can say, GO BUY ONE YOURSELF!! :D