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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

bourjois blush - review

Hey you!

Recently I bought a bestseller classic from Bourjois: their famous blush in the round package. The little box includes a brush, mirror and a 'how to use' paper. It has the color of the blush that is in it and golden letters written on it. Package approved I'd say!

One bummer: the drugstore where I bought mine had a big sticker on the side of the box, which I had to peel of first, before I could open it and some residues from the glue stayed, I can't get it off and it gets all dirty!

But whatever, I was very excited to use my blush for the first time - once I managed to get it open haha - and decided to start immediately! It smelled delicious when I opened it, it's that typical bourjois scent...So I tried it on and wow - it was super pigmented! It is a gourgeous color but I wouldn't reccomend using a lot of it, it gets too much very quickly. I first used my own blushbrush to blend it in, but it was way too strong, so the next time I decided to use the brush from the blush itself. Much better! It has a rounded shape, so it fits your cheek perfect and it blends a lot better. And you have to use so little, I think I'll have this blush for yeaaaars!

Bourjois has once again proven his quality!

xoxo Eveline

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